Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Debbie's wedding
Debbie is married now. I thought she was marrying a Texan but I was confused, Craig is actually South African. Not to worry.
Here is a photo of Philip Edward Hall and I discussing how best to deal with a diseased partridge in the billiards room of Fyvie Castle:

The wedding was very pleasant, featuring such hits as "Morning Has Broken" and "All Things Bright And Beautiful" but I didn't take any photos of the blushing bride, or indeed anyone. I did however manage to capture this fine piece of Victorian taxidermy from the entrance hall of the castle:
The shadow sadly obscures the seal's face, so you can't see its eyebrows. I don't know if seals normally have eyebrows, but one shouldn't argue with a taxidermist, especially not in a room full of swords, pikes and guns.
Phil had an adventurous time reaching the wedding, having to get a taxi from Aberdeen bus station to Fyvie Castle (about 30 miles) but he used all his scally charm to pay only a tenner for the journey. He also used his scally charms on a lady called Diane at the evening reception, but then the taxi arrived to take us back to Aberdeen so I had to put a stop to his fun. I'm sure he'll tell you all about it himself...
Thursday, May 25, 2006
The ubiquity of GPG
Here in Aberdeen, I am in the Department of Geology & Petroleum Geology. Now, that's quite a long name to have to say, so it gets abbreviated. And hey presto, I'm in the Department of GPG! There are signs all over the place with GPG this and GPG that. We always knew we were onto a winner but I don't think we ever thought we'd get our own university department. To those Single Honours people who looked down on GPG I say, "COME ON!! LET'S BE AVIN YOU!!" in a Delia Smith stylee.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Philip Edward Hall
is coming to Aberdeen this Saturday for Debbie Seagull's wedding. Is there anything anyone wants to ask him? You'd best make it short, because despite the bus journey from London taking 12 hours there and 12 hours back, Phil will only be in Aberdeen for Saturday afternoon and evening. Madness!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Learn to speak proper
Rich Buckley and I weren't much good as examples, so if you want to learn how to speak like a true Leicestrian ('tork propor Les-toh', in the patois) then I suggest you watch Big Brother and listen to Bonnie (or 'Bonn-eh' as she calls herself). It may just be the laziest, stupidest, most stultifying variant of English. Yes, even worse than Scally Scouse.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Debbie's getting married soon. I wonder how many GPG weddings we've missed? Huw and Emma definitely got married, but what about Ken and Shrimpy and Stella and Jonny The Boy Denson? They may have all settled down with spouses and sproglets for all I know. Tim and Marion haven't got married yet, but they will do one day. And when they do...