In 1994 a crack geology unit was sent to university by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men (and women) promptly (three years later) escaped from a maximum security stockade (the Herdman building) to the Liverpool underground (Central Station). Today, still wanted by the government (student loans), they survive as soldiers of fortune (and librarians). If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the GPG-Team.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Adrian Harvey...

...was in Aberdeen on Friday to conduct a PhD viva. I bumped into him in the corridor and he said hello without prompting, which surprised me slightly, but I didn't see him again since he fled back to Liverpool as soon as the viva was over. Amusingly, it turns out everyone who's ever come across him seems to think that a) he's at least a million years old, and b) he really should be a member of the Rolling Stones, with his Keith Richards looks and his tendency to suddenly talk like Mick Jagger. Hortonian Overland Flooooooooooooow, man. Maybe he could play Johnny Depp's old man in Pirates of the Caribbean III.

Anyway, Stuart (the man being viva-ed) said he was glad we'd not told him all these things beforehand as it might have undermined the seriousness of his PhD defence.

I think Craig Saint is getting married here in Aberdeen on Saturday, but sadly I shan't be around as I am going down to the Midlands for the weekend.


Blogger madliam said...

In a fit of belated pique over how much you hated fluvial geomorphology?

8:17 am


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