Debbie's wedding
Debbie is married now. I thought she was marrying a Texan but I was confused, Craig is actually South African. Not to worry.
Here is a photo of Philip Edward Hall and I discussing how best to deal with a diseased partridge in the billiards room of Fyvie Castle:

The wedding was very pleasant, featuring such hits as "Morning Has Broken" and "All Things Bright And Beautiful" but I didn't take any photos of the blushing bride, or indeed anyone. I did however manage to capture this fine piece of Victorian taxidermy from the entrance hall of the castle:
The shadow sadly obscures the seal's face, so you can't see its eyebrows. I don't know if seals normally have eyebrows, but one shouldn't argue with a taxidermist, especially not in a room full of swords, pikes and guns.
Phil had an adventurous time reaching the wedding, having to get a taxi from Aberdeen bus station to Fyvie Castle (about 30 miles) but he used all his scally charm to pay only a tenner for the journey. He also used his scally charms on a lady called Diane at the evening reception, but then the taxi arrived to take us back to Aberdeen so I had to put a stop to his fun. I'm sure he'll tell you all about it himself...
According to the book we were reading, most people condemn Hungarian partridges. I'm not sure if that's because they taste awful or because they behave really badly. It would have been great if a few more GPGers had made it, but Liz, Phil and I had a grand time and I hope Debbie did too. Her Dad certainly did - his speech was a fantastic stream of consciousness ramble interrupted only by occasional burstings into tears. Tip top!
4:46 pm
yes, due to a mix-up at the altar. Her husband-to-be was left with the bear
10:50 am
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