In 1994 a crack geology unit was sent to university by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men (and women) promptly (three years later) escaped from a maximum security stockade (the Herdman building) to the Liverpool underground (Central Station). Today, still wanted by the government (student loans), they survive as soldiers of fortune (and librarians). If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the GPG-Team.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Debbie's getting married soon. I wonder how many GPG weddings we've missed? Huw and Emma definitely got married, but what about Ken and Shrimpy and Stella and Jonny The Boy Denson? They may have all settled down with spouses and sproglets for all I know. Tim and Marion haven't got married yet, but they will do one day. And when they do...


Blogger madliam said...

Ken and Shrimpy were presumably the inspiration for Ren and Stimpy, a freakish union of man and beast if ever there was one

3:07 pm


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